Digging for carrots

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3 Responses to Digging for carrots

  1. Mrs. Neha Rawat says:

    Rayhan loves to eat carrots so he really enjoyed digging for carrots, he was really excited while telling us all about it.

  2. Sahra says:

    Marwa loves carrots and enjoyed digging for carrots she had plenty of fun and it was a pleasure for her to dig up carrots.

  3. Amrita Ruprai Ali says:

    Maleekah also loves to eat carrots and even more so now since she enjoyed digging for carrots at school. She now has a new found interest and so I have a daughter who wants to turn our Garden into a vegetable patch. She has told me that I won’t need to dig when the carrots have grown I will just need to pull them out like this (shows me the pulling motion). From the pictures it seems as though all the children had a lot of fun and what a fantastic idea. Might have to take up Maleekah’s request and grown some of our own.

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