multi faith project

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5 Responses to multi faith project

  1. Sarah says:

    Could you update this and put the video again properly? It doesn’t show the video I don’t know why. Perhaps you could send me the link or tell me how you got the video? Oh, and thank you for telling me how to change my username.

  2. Sarah says:

    I think the company is called The Islamic Society Of Britain.

  3. Ibrahim says:

    Use internet explorer not Google chrome it just won’t work.

  4. Mrs Boydon says:

    Ibrahim – well done for embedding a Padlet in your blog – brilliant work.
    However, I’m not going to publish it as I think it might cause some problems. I wonder if we could have a question which is not about Mayflower children, something a bit more general perhaps? Can you think of something related to our topic which you could ask?
    Don’t stop exploring the possibilities …

  5. Mrs Boydon says:

    Hi Ibrahim

    I asked the j2webby people why your video wasn’t playing, they said:

    “It looks as if the provider of that video clip (youtube) have blocked anyone from showing it in a frame. The good news is that they do allow you to embed some code to show the video. Go to the video in youtube, right click over the video and select “copy embed code”. Then paste this into j2e in the same way you pasted the video url.

    Please let us know if that is OK.”

    So, why don’t you try that and let me know if it works. Thanks Ibrahim.

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