Riddle This!!

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5 Responses to Riddle This!!

  1. Ibrahim says:

    4=the chicken is lying because it already says it
    2=fat dog is the mother of the thin dog.
    6=your name.

  2. Isabelle says:

    2.the fat dogs the mother of the thin one
    4.the chicken is lying becaus it sayes chickens always tell lies

  3. rubi says:

    hi i am rubi

    2=fat dog is the mother of the thin dog.
    4=the chicken is lying because it has allready said it .
    6=your name

    • Sarah says:

      In number four, people say that the answer is that the chicken is lying. But, If he was lying, that means that all chicken’s tell the truth, but he lied.

  4. Sarah says:

    Here are the answers:
    1= Seven
    2= The fat dog is the mother of the thin one
    3= The strong man wrote on the paper ‘ your exact weight ‘.
    4= Chickens can’t talk
    5= Queue
    6= Your name
    7= Mount Everest, It just wasn’t discovered yet.
    8= Stop imagining.

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