Zayaan’s reading

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6 Responses to Zayaan’s reading

  1. Mrs Archdeacon says:

    Well done Zayaan – I hope you enjoyed reading these books. Mrs Archdeacon

  2. Aksa says:

    Well done Zayaan,I think your teacher would be very proud of you.Did you enjoy reading them books?

  3. jessica says:

    I love reading I hope that you do . Well done for reading the books all by you self

  4. Yaasin says:

    I am proud of you. ‼

  5. Dad says:

    It’s truly amazing to hear him read. Staff at Mayflower and the hearing team have been fantastic. Well done Zayaan, keep it up!

  6. Yaasin says:

    Yeah KEEP IT UP!!

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