Our Early Years Circuits Film Embedded

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7 Responses to Our Early Years Circuits Film Embedded

  1. khadeejah m says:

    Wow! The children are really good at P.E for their age! 🙂

  2. Connie Pullicino says:

    What lovely activities. Especially for the young ones. It was obvious the children were enjoying themselves.

  3. Knights of France - year 3 St. Albert the Great College says:

    Our group focused on the activity where the children were jumping on the spot. We really like this activity because it looks fun. We do this activity with our P. E teacher, Mr. Mead, but with a little bit of difference. We usually practice jumping on the spot during races, where as an obstacle during the race we have to jump on the spot in hula hoops. We also practice jumping on the spot during basketball.

  4. Knights of Germany - year 3 St. Albert the Great College says:

    The Knights of Germany discussed a session about balancing. We do think it is a fun activity but one has to be acreful as you can easily fall and get hurt. We realized that we do this activity with Mr. Mead, and we also did something similar last week during our sports day.

  5. Knights of Castile - year 3 St. Albert the Great College says:

    Our team had to talk about the session where the children were throwing bean bags into hoops. We think it is a cool activity and we think that we would have a lot of fun during this activity. We do use such a skill during our lessons, mostly during basketball. It is a bit different as we have to throw a ball and pass it through a hoop.

  6. Knights of Aragon - year 3 St. Albert the Great College says:

    We, the Knights of Aragon, had to focus on the rolling session. The children in the video were rolling on mats. We do a similar activity in our lesson, where we jump onto trampolines, land on mats and then pencil roll on them. We are sure that the children had loads of fun because we do have fun when we do it.

  7. Anna Buttigieg says:

    I am Anna Buttigieg from the Primary Sector at St Albert the Great College, Malta. It really has been fun watching your film clip, as we do something very similar to you, especially during the P.E. lessons and during Sports Days, twice a year. We really enjoyed playing netball in Leicester last March, and are really looking forward to meeting some of your teachers in Malta next November.

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