Nursery – The First Ballet Class

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3 Responses to Nursery – The First Ballet Class

  1. Rakhi Patel says:

    Khayla had a fantastic time! She really enjoys dancing so this is perfect for her.

  2. Amrita Ruprai Ali says:

    Feeling inclined to buy a leotard and tutu for Maleekah. Very impressive moves. Maleekah and Amina have been showing us what they have learnt the majority of the weekend and they are also very confident with the terminology. Looking forward to the next workshop.

  3. Hasanah says:

    Awww! How cute!!! I just love their posture. I didn’t know Muhammad L could pose and stand that way! What a wonderful idea to introduce them to ballet. I’d absolutely love to watch them. I’m actually imagining him doing salsa right now! 🙂

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