Africa Art Week

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6 Responses to Africa Art Week

  1. Vir says:

    It is nice to learn that Mayflower had a a great Art Week, I wish I was still in Year 6 at Mayflower. It is a nice change to Art Week as normally we learn about artists. Anyway I hope everyone had a great time.

  2. Mrs Boydon says:

    Lovely to read your comments Vir, and thank you for visiting us last week!
    We do usually look at a particular artist, or a particular painting, but this year for a change we just took Africa as our inspiration. What do you think of the pictures on the last page of the blog post?

  3. Mrs Archdeacon says:

    The visit from the Maasai warriors was an amazing experience for children and adults alike. We learned such a lot about a different culture. We were still jumping in Reception at the end of the day!

  4. Miss Patel says:

    We are so lucky at Mayflower, we get so many opportunities to gain first hand experiences. F2 loved meeting and watching the Masai, they sing the Jambo song at least once a week.

  5. Shama says:

    The Masai warriors was the best part.

  6. Saarah says:

    I love the dance and the Masai worriors

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