Young Voices

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5 Responses to Young Voices

  1. Vir says:

    I was really waiting for this video about the choir going to the Birmingham Arena and I hope everyone enjoyed their time singing and screaming there heads off! Next year the new choir should have a chance for the opportunity of a lifetime. Once again I really hope everyone enjoyed themselves as it looks like it! Thank you to Mrs Boydon for having the chance of uploading it.

  2. ohud Alharbi says:

    Well done Mayflower – it was amazing!

  3. Saarah says:

    Well done keep it up.

  4. webadmin says:

    It looks and sounds like a fantastic experience. There must have been more than 1000 people there.
    Well done Mayflower Choir.

  5. Mrs J Chauhan JSC says:

    I was lucky enough to sit in the audience, but on the Wednesday evening show. It was fab-u-lous! Mayflower choir you sang with 6000 other children! You’ll never forget this experience. Well done all.

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