Abdulhaadi 100words challenge

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6 Responses to Abdulhaadi 100words challenge

  1. Liz Goddard (TEAM 100WC) says:

    Hi Abdulhaadi,

    Fantastic entry Abdulhaadi, well done! You set the scene well and used good vocabulary to convey a feeling in the house. Good use of capital letters as well although you missed one on I towards the end.
    I really liked the spooky twist at the end.

  2. mahmad77 says:

    Fantastic Abdulhadi, you created lots of suspence and even compared the music to mum and dad to find out who was playing it.

  3. Miss. Broadhurst says:

    Fantastic job building the suspense throughout your piece and setting the scene so well. It is clear that you have a very creative imagination. I would suggest that you review your use of punctuation. I would love for you develop this piece and add to it.
    Keep on writing!

  4. kaylee says:

    I like you 100 word challenge.

  5. janice says:

    wow! you did a great job for the 100 word challenge!

  6. delease says:

    this is different ,i love it (=

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